Community & Professional Networking

Community & Professional Networking

Description and Products

EasyNet is a span of EasyWeb in the Community and Professional Networking domain. Modules, Services, and tools integrated together on top of the EasyWeb "BaseLine" product, form an Information System which provides a working, communication, and collaboration environment for closed user groups. These groups are professional networks or communities that have same type of professional activity, identity, or of certain area of expertise or interest.

EasyNet IS (Information System) is a web-based system defined out of the EasyWeb Conceptual Framework and developed based in the EasyWeb Implementation Framework. EasyNet is flexible and easy adoptable to any network or community organization, to cover the specific needs, especially in terms of communication and collaboration. It is flexible and integrable with existing professional working systems and tools of preference  as well.

EasyNet takes advantage of digital era by integrating in one place different means of digital communication and collaboration, making use of existing tools and channels. It is flexible and robust to support configuration and change management following any business domain, business policy, business change, and trend.

The basic EasyNet IS consists in six main layers:

  • EasyNet Back Office – enabling the Business Domain Experts and IT Analyst Team to configure and deploy the IS, based in the targeted organization needs.
  • EasyNet Personalized FrontEnd – Enabling Members to provide & organize their contribution material and activities with a clear, personalised collaboration or targeted audience.  The personalization is available in different organizational levels, supported by a welldefined authorization environment, even within sub-groups. The user contributions, feeds, and activity are clearly segmented based in the organization/user preferences and personalized subject topics or keywords. Analytics of contributions, activities, interactions, feeds, keywords, subject topics, communications, are provided based in available predefined policies and user/organization preferences.
  • EasyNet Shared FrontEnd – Enabling all participants to perform their monitoring and contribution activities as defined in the user and organization level preferences and policies for the target audience. Analytics of contributions, activities, interactions, feeds, subject topics, communications, are provided based in available predefined policies and user/organization preferences.
  • EasyNet Administration FrontEnd – Enabling the targeted organization management team, in different levels, to perform administration activities, to define policies, guidelines, to control & monitor analytics, and as well to perform change management.
  • EasyNet Analytics FrontEnd – It enables the domain experts in collaboration with the organization Stakeholders to define the relevant analytics and their measures.
  • Syndication and integration Services – This part enables the possibility to integrate with other software systems, including other EasyWeb based products and thirdparty software.

EasyNet in short

EasyNet, as any EasyWeb framework output supports a disciplined approach of tasks assignments and responsibilities within the targeted network or community organization and involved stakeholders.  Its final goal is to enable the provision of high-quality collaboration, communication, and information exchange environment to meet the needs of its end users, in personal and organization level.

Based in the Configuration, Components, Services and other software it integrates, EasyNet currently got application in Medical Managed Care Domain, Residential Community Domain, and Financial Investment Domain:

Application Profiles

EasyNet – Managed Care Doctor Networks (MC)
EasyNet – MC is an information system application in the Swiss Managed Care Domain. This application of EasyNet, supports the collaboration of Medical Doctor Networks (Medical practices organized regionally), Medical Insurances, and their Insured People.

EasyNet – Residential Community (RC)
EasyNet RD addresses the needs of residentials with communality of being residents and/or owners in the same building or a “closed” geographical area. As such, they share collectively in ownership or use, different areas. They share utility bills, maintenance costs, and investment fund. They take decisions collectively and/or assign their administrators as the representatives (regulated by specific country laws).

EasyNet- Investment Office
This EasyNet application profile includes two application tiers; a closed user working place of financial investment institutions and a public portal of their professional information contributions. The closed user tier is a collection of services which enables the Collaboration & Communication between Institutional Investors and Institutional Providers. The working place provides also the metric space for relevant measurement regarding impromevement in effectiveness and efficiency of collaboration within the proffesional asset & wealth management domain.
Product Manager

Dritan Çela

Domain: Community & Professional Networking