EasyWeb Conceptual Framework

EasyWeb Conceptual Framework for Information Systems

Description of Approach and corresponding Services

EasyWeb Conceptual framework defines the Ark IT approach to a particular business organization or domain problem to be solved by, and supported by the targeted Information System.

EasyWeb as a Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is a organized collection of distinct concepts and their relationships in the context of a domain problem. It enables the overall problem definition through logical constraints defining the solution scope expectations. As such, it provides the analytical working model, through all the lifecycle of solution realization and solution lifetime. [EasyWeb Definition]

The approach is generic in terms of concepts it deploys and enables the collaboration between all stakeholders of targeted organization including Domain Experts, Ark IT System Analysts, and other Ark IT team involved Stakeholders. As such, it creates a working environment, by speaking “the same Language” to define the “problem” and "solution" path, meaning: Information System Scope and boundary conditions (static view), and operational vision (dynamic view). The overriding goal of this collaboration is to achieve concurrency among all stakeholders for the targeted IS.

EasyWeb conceptual View of Information System

An Information System is a work place, in a measurable space, where deployed or involved resources interact to produce intermediate outputs which aggregate in a final information output of value. [EasyWeb definition]

EasyWeb conceptual framework serves as a “Meta-Model” out of each the targeted IS and Organization are defined as a specialized problem to be solved. The model is used to access the current working environment of the targeted organization, and as well to define the vision for the new or enhancements of an existing system. This model, in a “static view”, defines the problem in terms of organizations and organizational structures, people and their roles, tasks and activities they perform, Information Items or entities of their responsibility, metadata and data for information items, subject topics, controlled vocabularies, technologies & software in use or to be used, work guidelines, policies, regulations, and check points, performance and progress indicators, relevant metrics, benchmarking, etc.

In a “dynamic view”, the problem is defined in terms of interaction between Roles, through activities organized in workflows, information Items they exchange, communications, iterations approach, event triggers and Listeners, Status and states of different entities in different aggregation or projection levels, work phases and time lines, progress and performance dynamics, etc.

EasyWeb concepts are realised through resources in different aggregation levels, including abstract and information resources, respecting respective concept degrees of freedom. The resources combined in relevant sets, quantified with an appropriate measure, enable the definition of the distance between them, as such as creating a metric space to measure performance, efficiency, effectiveness and progress.

A special attention is paid to the granularity for each deployed concept, since it affects the depth and relevance of the solution, relevance of metric space, and as well the architectural decisions for the IS.

The solution realization, including the domain specific components, defines an EasyWeb Application Profile, which can be reused in the same domain for similar organizations.

Metrics Space for building up an Information System using EasyWeb framework. 


Inception and Elaboration Services

Using EasyWeb conceptual Framework, in collaboration with Domain Experts, and covering the role of Business Analyst and System Analyst, Ark IT provides Inception and Elaboration services. More...

In proposing any model or framework, it may be useful to note that "while all models are wrong, some are useful" (Box, 1979, p. 202).

The business itself and technology opportunities drive the “problem” definition, in terms of required Information(s) System, using EasyWeb deployed concepts.

The Scope in EasyWeb framework considers all aspects of the targeted organization to be aligned with business strategy and supported by the Information System.